Hey People!
It is me again! (Kaiyuan)
Here are some items, that we hope you guys can provide for the class.
1. Wire gauze (for bbq ) x 2
2. aluminium trays to store food x 5
3. charcoal(2 big pkt)
4. tongs(1 for charcoal, 2 for food)
5. fire starter
6. paper plates
7. plastic utensils
8. cups
9. bamboo skewers
10. brush to smear butter on food
As you all know, buying these items would require money and these items don't come cheap.
So if we are able to get these items without buying , we can cut cost by $30 - $40. Hence, everyone would need to pay less for the chalet, or even have more food to eat for the chalet. Please tell inform any of the class comm members if you have any of these items. Even if you have one paper plate/ one packet of charcoal to spare us; just spare us ! :D
Here are the items that you would need to bring ( Just a checklist )
Extra set of everything.
Kidding :X
- Extra clothes (inclusive of undergarments, and for the ladies, fbt/shorts would be strongly recommended )
- Your toiletries ( Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Towel, Soap/Shampoo/Conditioner ( If you prefer your own ) )
- Your entertainment ( PSP, Laptop (Btw, there is no internet there, from my knowledge ) , Handphones, anything capable of storing and displaying visual and/or verbal aids. Well, you get me )
- The adapter for your entertainment
- Slippers/Shoes/Footwear
- Torchlights w/ batteries :X (optional, but would be fun if you bring )
- Cameras
Thats about it :X