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Photobucket Sunday, February 21, 2010 Photobucket
CNY at mdm fung house!

more pics awaits you. pls view blog whenever we go outing as a class.
c. jia min:)

written at 2:40 PM

CNY at Miss(mdm) Fung home!!!!!

Dear all, I am C.jia min.Hope that these pics can keep you'all in touch with what's going on in 4/4!!!!!! 4/4 rocks 4eva!

written at 2:26 PM

Photobucket Thursday, December 31, 2009 Photobucket
Class Chalet on 3rd Jan 2010

I am sorry for being late to post this. My apologies!

As you know, the class chalet will be on 3rd Jan 2010. In case you might have difficulty in finding your way there, a map is attached for you. The destination is noted as 'CH M' in the map provided. It is quite clearly visible in the image.

I believe some of you wish to go there in groups. As for that, you will have to organise among yourselves. At most, we can provide you with time and venue to meet up before you set off.

The activities will begin at 5pm. Hence, it will be the best if you can start to gather at Causeway Point at 2.30pm and set off at 3.00pm. I suppose 2 hours should be enough to find the way and reach there.

As for those who wish to go on their own, please be there by 5pm (unless you have something on, such as work and etc.)

Just for you information, if you wish to browse through the map and direction towards the chalet, this website is recommended. www.gothere.sg

If you need any further clarification, please feel free to contact me.
See you really soon! :D And HAPPY NEW YEAR (in less than a day)

Warmest regards,

written at 10:52 AM

Photobucket Tuesday, December 8, 2009 Photobucket

Here are the collection dates and time left. Please pay by the 13th. We would need the money to buy the food and items needed for the bbq and chalet. Thanks ;D







Both collection would be done at Civic Library. Unless, last minute changes. But you can find them by contacting them on their handphones.

written at 11:19 AM

Photobucket Wednesday, November 25, 2009 Photobucket

Made a checklist:)

1. Wire gauze (for bbq ) x 2 [name]
2. aluminium trays to store food x 5
3. charcoal(2 big pkt)
4. tongs(1 for charcoal, 2 for food)
5. fire starter
6. paper plates
7. plastic utensils
8. cups
9. bamboo skewers
10. brush to smear butter on food


written at 9:48 PM


Newest UPDATE : ( 25/11/09 )

Chalet is strictly for 4/4 people only. Unless otherwise stated.

written at 9:32 PM

Photobucket Tuesday, November 24, 2009 Photobucket

Hey People!
It is me again! (Kaiyuan)

Here are some items, that we hope you guys can provide for the class.

1. Wire gauze (for bbq ) x 2
2. aluminium trays to store food x 5
3. charcoal(2 big pkt)
4. tongs(1 for charcoal, 2 for food)
5. fire starter
6. paper plates
7. plastic utensils
8. cups
9. bamboo skewers
10. brush to smear butter on food

As you all know, buying these items would require money and these items don't come cheap.
So if we are able to get these items without buying , we can cut cost by $30 - $40. Hence, everyone would need to pay less for the chalet, or even have more food to eat for the chalet. Please tell inform any of the class comm members if you have any of these items. Even if you have one paper plate/ one packet of charcoal to spare us; just spare us ! :D

Here are the items that you would need to bring ( Just a checklist )
Extra set of everything.
Kidding :X

  1. Extra clothes (inclusive of undergarments, and for the ladies, fbt/shorts would be strongly recommended )
  2. Your toiletries ( Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Towel, Soap/Shampoo/Conditioner ( If you prefer your own ) )
  3. Your entertainment ( PSP, Laptop (Btw, there is no internet there, from my knowledge ) , Handphones, anything capable of storing and displaying visual and/or verbal aids. Well, you get me )
  4. The adapter for your entertainment
  5. Slippers/Shoes/Footwear
  6. Torchlights w/ batteries :X (optional, but would be fun if you bring )
  7. Cameras
Thats about it :X

written at 1:09 AM

Molecular rules!

is offically opened on 25feb'08
{!} is a site specially for 4/4 pple:D
you can post annoucements to craps
anything you want :D
just no vulgarities;state name
updates changes in 2-3days time

others are welcome too (:
tag before you leave
we're friendly&we don't bite

"coming together is a beginning
keeping together is a process
staying together is a success"

yesterday is a history
tomorrow is a mystery
today is OUR destiny

new Updates-*
recent formulae!


atoms in it!


Molecules who speeds up our learning process in 2009!
MISS FUNG {Form Teacher and Biology}
MDM SAROJINI {Elementary & Additional Mathematics}
MISS TAN {Physics}
MISS WONG {Chemistry}
MISS CHEN {SS/History}
Molecules who speeds up our learning process in 2008!
MISS FUNG {Form Teacher and Biology}
MR DU {Co-form Teacher}
MISS NG {Elementary & Additional Mathematics}
MR GOH {Physics}
MISS WONG {Chemistry}
MISS CHEN {SS/History}
ADI {Trainer}
TK {Trainer}

threeFOUR is loved ;DDD


1.Priya --- Hydrogen
2.JiaMin --- Helium
3.JieLin --- Lithium
4.LingMei --- Beryllium
5.Jaslene --- Boron
6.JiaMin --- Carbon
7.Tiffany --- Nitrogen
8.JiaHui --- Oxygen
9.YanJun --- Fluorine
10.XiaoHuan --- Neon
11.SiYu --- Sodium
12.Melody --- Magnesium
13.Natalie --- Aluminium
14.Pearly --- Silicon
15.Rachel --- Phosphorus
16.Nickie --- Sulphur
17.MeiHui --- Chlorine
18.Audrey --- Argon
19.Wendy --- Potassium
20.PeiTing --- Calcium
21.Tanay --- Scandium
22.Brandon --- Titanium
23.JiaXun --- Vanadium
24.ShaoQuan --- Chromium
25.Renfred --- Manganese
26.KeenHoe --- Iron
27.Jazz --- Cobalt
28.TongJun --- Nickel
29.TeckChuan --- Copper
30.WeiLer --- Zinc
31.Leon --- Gallium
32.RongHui --- Germanium
33.Fadzil --- Arsenic
34.WeiLiang --- Selenium
35.ChinPang --- Bromine
36.Aaron --- Kypton
37.Pyae --- Rubidium
38.JunFeng --- Strontium
39.KaiYuan --- Yttrium

we're the 4/4 molecules
we're hard to beat
we're staying stronger
with each day; you'll see

shoUt outs-*
and our voices!

Thanks to...

HOST: x x

la la la